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What is the difference between PDDO, PLLA, PDO Thread Lift?

What is the difference between PDDO, PLLA, PDO Thread Lift?

They are essentially different. Most of the protein thread is purified from animal protein. It has allergens. It is artificially purified. It is not a pure chemical agent. The PDO and PPDO lines are purely chemical, not purified from animals, and safer. PPDO is further purified on the basis of PDO. : Can the protein thread be absorbed by the human body? PDO Thread Lift Can all three threads be absorbed and metabolized by the human body? At the same time, with the "lifting shield" to achieve the concept of fast repair, remember not to take ordinary collagen, so as not to cause failure Necessary stacking and folding.

Can be metabolized. It's just that the protein line was eliminated because a few people had redness and swelling after treatment. PPDO has lower side effects and higher safety. How old is it better to start thread carving? Many people think that thread embedding is an anti-aging project. It is too late to do it after 32 years old. PDO Thread Lift In fact, when you are 20 years old, if you have the problem of sagging skin, you can use thread carving to solve it!"

For example, some people are in their early twenties, but because they are particularly fat, they suddenly lose weight and their skin suddenly loosens. PDO Thread Lift The aging of fat and muscle tissue starts to move down a little bit from the age of 20. If you start to do thread carving at the age of 25, you can reset them. PDO Thread Lift Afterwards, the treatment is performed at intervals, and the "checking and filling vacancies" of each treatment can allow the fat and muscle tissue to be put back one by one, preventing serious relaxation. So once it is maintained for a long time, it will definitely look younger than its peers. Of course, the lifting effect of thread carving is limited, because aging is divided into several steps, the generation of wrinkles, the generation of sagging, and the reduction of tissue capacity. When the capacity of the organization decreases, it is necessary to fill the lift.

In recent years, the project of “embedding thread lifting and thread carving enhancement” has entered the field of beauty seekers. What is its anti-aging principle? The principle is: purely physical, like pulling a car with a rope, using a small rope Put the fat pad and loose tissue back into place. PDO Thread Lift The reason why the 30-year-old's skin is different from that of the 20-year-old is that the fat, muscles, and skin at the age of 30 are no longer in their place at the age of 20. It has appeared slack and shifted, and as it ages, it keeps going down. What is the thread used for thread carving? Is it divided into shapes? Do different shapes affect the effect? Lines used for thread carving include PPDO, PDO and protein thread. We usually use PPDO thread.

In theory, there are only two types of thread: one is toothed, the other is smooth, and the smooth thread without teeth is further divided into: spiral, multiple, long and short, thick and thin, and so on. PDO Thread Lift The reason why so many lines are designed is because each line acts on different parts and can achieve different effects.

Regarding the shape of the thread, because the design of the thread carving directly determines the pulling effect! This will vary from person to person, depending on the specific problem to be solved. Everyone's facial sagging problem is different.

Does the number of lines have a direct relationship with the final effect? The number of lines has no direct relationship with the effect! PDO Thread Lift It is only related to the design and position of the overall face. To achieve the desired therapeutic effect, you must communicate with the doctor before the operation to let the doctor understand your skin condition and the degree of skin sagging. And your skin's ability to produce collagen, the ability to restore elasticity and so on.

At which level of the skin is the thread carving buried? Is there any difference between being buried shallowly or deeply PDO Thread Lift?

Different parts are buried at different levels. For example, the apple muscle should be buried deeper and buried in the fat layer. In fact, the apple muscle is a "cellulite". It is the whole large group of fat pads shifting down and slack. The wire should lift the fat pad, so it should be buried relatively deep.

That is the superficial layer of fat buried under the dermis. Some people have extremely thin fats, so we will be relatively deep in fat, which is determined by the thickness of this fat layer. The other parts are buried in the superficial layer, that is, the subdermis, which is very close to the skin. For example: around the eyes and lips.

Where are thread carvings applied PDO Thread Lift?

Is it ok around the eyes and lips? The line carving is suitable for lifting the whole face. Eye crow's feet pattern and lip puppet pattern can be done. There are special lines for the eye area. The two parts around the eyes and lips are special because there is no fat underneath and muscles under the skin, so try to use only smooth lines instead of large jagged lines.

Can sagging caused by excessive facial fat be improved with thread carving PDO Thread Lift?

It is possible, but it varies from person to person. For example, if a person's face is fat, there are three reasons: one is fat, the other is bone, and the third is masseter muscle size. All three of these reasons require targeted solutions. You cannot simply say that thread carving is useless in this situation. It depends on what problems need to be solved.

Line carving can solve: the relaxation caused by obesity, but can not solve the problem of obesity.

If the pain is divided into 10 levels, 10 is the most painful, how painful is the line carving? If the pain level of the double eyelid is level 1, then the line carving pain level is only 1-1.5. It is completely painless when doing thread carving, but we will recommend the patient to do comfortable anesthesia. This anesthesia is not a sleep anesthesia. The comfortable anesthesia can also be a sober conversation, a bit like being drunk.

Will there be a wound on the skin after the thread carving PDO Thread Lift?

After the preparation, there is a pinhole-sized wound on the surface of the skin, which will recover after 24-48 hours.

How long can a treatment be kept? How often can I do it a second time PDO Thread Lift?

A month after the shallow thread is buried, it can play a certain role of wrapping and pulling. The deep thread is stronger in about three months.

Regarding the maintenance time: the deep line begins to degrade in about 180 days, and a course of treatment can be maintained for 2-3 years. For about two years, it can be completely metabolized without residue! Add a few threads in some parts to make the effect continue better. PPDO thread is metabolized into water and carbon dioxide, and there are no residues or side effects in the body. Which people or skin conditions are not suitable for embedding thread? When the skin is inflamed, do not do thread carving, it is easy to bring bacteria to the deep layer of the skin. infection. Very thin and very loose skin does not work well for thread carving.

If you have sensitive skin, you will be more worried when using protein thread before, because protein thread has a certain allergy rate. However, the PPDO line currently used has almost no allergic reactions, and almost all skin types can be done. As for pregnant women, we do not recommend it.

Can thread carving, injection and laser projects be done together PDO Thread Lift?

Two weeks after the line carving, other cosmetic and injection projects can be done. In theory, there is no need to be too cautious to pamper. As long as the postoperative safety period of each item has passed, there is no conflict between any items.

What should I do after the thread carving? Does the massage force make the thread fall apart PDO Thread Lift?

Don't do massage within a month, it will hurt when you massage. After three months, the line and skin will be fused together, and it is no problem to massage hard.

I saw a case where the thread emerged from the skin after I finished it. Why did this happen? What should I do?

This situation is more caused by not following the doctor's instructions for care after the operation. If this happens, don't worry. Go to the hospital and let the doctor deal with it. Generally, you should cut off the thread after disinfection.

What are the possible effects of thread carving PDO Thread Lift?

It has several major complications, the first is that it will cause local blood, and it will take two to three weeks to recover once it appears; the second is local edema, which usually occurs in thinner skin or denser lines; Three kinds of problems are thread exposure, which is also a very normal situation; the fourth is the collapse or breakage of the thread, but this situation is very rare, and the "lifting shield" can effectively avoid some effects. Hope every day is beautiful.

Tag:PDO Thread Lift Mono



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